How much Sugar should you Take in a Day? > 자유게시판


How much Sugar should you Take in a Day?

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작성자 Isla Gard 댓글 0건 조회 99회 작성일 23-08-17 17:30


What is sugar?

What is sugar: Sugar is a natural ingredient that has been a part of our diet for thousands of years. Sugars are store in our body as form energy. Sugar and starch are converted into glucose in the stomach and intestines.

Glucose is an important source of energy for the brain and is essential for the normal functioning of the human body. Our brain alone uses about 130 grams of glucose per day.

Sugar is naturally present in various foods. These are especially found in fruits, vegetables, milk, etc. The added sugars are the sugars that manufacturers use during the production and preparation of certain food products.

The body separates these different types of sugars types and does not treat them the same. For example, the sugar in bananas will not be processed in the same amount as white sugar contains one sugar. There are different types of sugar.

Here are the most common types of sugar:

Glucose: Fruits, vegetables, honey, table sugar, dairy foods, cereals.Fructose: Fruits, vegetables, honeyGalactose: DairyLactose: DairySucrose: Fruits, vegetables, table sugar, honeyMaltose: Malt, specific cereal

How many calories does sugar have?

How many calories does sugar have: Sugar is a carbohydrate and as such, it provides 4 calories (kcal) per gram. For example, an envelope of 10 grams of sugar provides 40 kcal.

In reality, its caloric content is not very high, as it does not reach the fatty half, or even 9 calories per gram.

But sugar "Makes you fat" because most of what we usually use comes from industrial products (pastries, pre-cooked dishes, etc.), which are high in fat and high in calories. Natural foods do not contain half the sugar of processed foods.

Manufactured products are always more likely to contain refined ingredients and added sugars. So, try to eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day, as they provide nutrients, fiber and antioxidants that protect against disease.

How much sugar in a day?

How much sugar in a day: It’s a common question of many patients and also common people that how many grams of sugar can we take per day? /How much sugar in a day?

The body uses glucose as fuel, but this does not mean that the only source should be white sugar.

Sugar is not essential from a nutritional point of view. Our daily costs are much higher than the WHO recommendations. The WHO recommends eating less than 25 grams of sugar (added to products) per day,

Overuse of sugar can provide unnecessary calories and promote obesity, diabetes, cavities, and cardiovascular disease. Also, The WHO recommends reducing the daily energy intake of added sugars by less than 10% and states that it is better not to exceed 5%.

Don't confuse "slow" or "complex" carbohydrates, which must consist of 55% to 60% of our energy intake, including "fast" or "common" sugars (glucose, fructose, galactose, maltose, lactose, sucrose ...), including sweet taste. And which in turn should be eaten in very small quantities. Described as an "empty calorie", sugar is not necessary for nutrition, even if it is a source of pleasure.

So now you can understand How much sugar in a day you can take. We careful about the caution of sugar beverages.

How much sugar per day to lose weight?

How much sugar in a day to weight loss:

How much sugar should you take per day to lose weight or obesity? When you need to lose weight or when you take care of your health, it is best to avoid "Added sugars" as much as possible.

Indeed, sugar leads to excessive consideration. Consumption of processed carbohydrates (free sugar) increases the risk of obesity and harms health.

Even the supermarket foods that we present as dietetics can be full of added sugar (56% of supermarket foods contain added sugar).

Many overweight or obese people are addicted to sugar. Opium has the same effect as sugar or sugar-rich products. It affects the activity of dopamine in the reward center of the brain.

Sugar had no long-term effects on the brain (like some drugs) but has an additive effect (source). This is why it is possible for someone to lose control of the sugaring service. Just as smokers should avoid cigarettes, a sugar addict should avoid added sugars as much as possible.

It is most important to limit your sugar intake. Foods that contain free sugary foods should be avoided. Soft drinks, fruit juices, fries, sauces, soups, toast, etc. should not be part of your diet if you want to lose weight.

If you want to lose weight, avoid foods high in sugar, and opt for uncooked foods. These are often composed of one material.

For true sugar addicts, total avoidance is the only reliable way to overcome addiction and reduce excess fat.

Types of Sugar in foods:

Types of Sugar in food: Sugar is a type of carbohydrate that the body uses to produce energy. It can be present in food in two different ways:

- High sugar foods (added sugars): Monosaccharides (glucose, fructose) and disaccharides (sucrose or table sugar) added to foods and beverages by manufacturers or consumers, as well as honey, syrup, fruit juice or nectar.

- Underlying sugars: These are found in whole fresh fruits and vegetables. There is no evidence that this type of sugar in foods has harmful health effects.

Sugar is often added to improve the taste of food but helps keep them (jams and jellies) and maintain their acidity (vinegar or tomato) balance. However, these types of sugar in foods can do the most damage.

Nutrition labeling:

Why nutrition labeling? And why nutrition labeling is important?

According to the Spanish Society of Endocrinology andNutrition (SEN), it is important to read the nutrition label, in the carbohydrate category and internally, there are free or added sugars that should be avoided.

So, it is better to focus mainly on salad dressings, sauces, breakfast cereals, and vegetable milk. As the elements appear in ascending order, it must be said that the maximum ratio is indicated first.

Sugar has more than 600 different names: corn syrup, beet syrup, coconut syrup, agave syrup, Panella, fructose, barley malt, brown sugar, carob, or beet sugar, etc. In addition, the ending terms of the "courage" suffix are usually "hidden" sugars, such as sucrose, glucose, dextrose, fructose, or lactose.

How does sugar affect the body: Does too much sugar affects your body? It’s a normal question for us. The body produces insulin to control sugar levels and prevent cell damage which can lead to hyperglycemia? When cells receive insulin, they remove sugar from the blood and store it as body fat.

When you take in too much sugar, insulin levels rise very quickly. Inevitably, this effect causes the cells to not respond to this hormone in the long run, resulting in insulin resistance. This metabolic disorder is involved in the development of diseases such as obesity and type-2 diabetes.

Read also: High blood sugar (Hyperglycemia)-Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

How does sugar affect the body?

A high intake of added sugars is associated with a risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, among other problems like:

Weight gain: Adding sugar to foods and drinks makes them more caloric. The food is easy to sweeten, taking in extra calories.

Triglyceride growth: Triglycerides are a type of fat found in blood and fatty tissues. Taking a high amount of added sugar can increase your sugar levels and therefore increase the risk of heart disease.

Dental caries: Cavities are the spread of cariogenic bacteria that multiply after you eat large amounts of sugar (juices, sweets, cookies, etc.).

How to reduce sugar in the diet?

Take natural and added sugars: It is important to distinguish between sugars in foods such as fruits and vegetables and naturally occurring sugars. The best way to significantly reduce your sugar intake is to avoid sugars as much as possible. This method is effective and fairly simple.

For example, fruits do contain fructose but their intake is not a problem because in their natural form they contain fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Fiber slows down the passage of sugar through the blood. The advantage is that the amount of sugar in the blood rises very quickly. Fructose sends a signal of satisfaction to the brain to let it know that it is time to stop eating. It is the fibers that provide a feeling of satisfaction.

Also, in some studies, participants served 20 fruits per day for several weeks or months without gaining weight. In short, even if we want to lose weight, fruits have a place in our diet.

It is also interesting to note that processed foods often contain low levels of sugar. These are devoid of the essential fatty acids that our bodies need for proper balance.

Here are some tips to get low (added) sugars:

Always read the label at the supermarket. Don't be fooled by different names of sugar. The most abundant ingredient in a product should be listed on the label first. Avoid products that contain sugar in the first three ingredients. Don't buy more than one type of sugary product.

How to reduce sugar in the diet:

Eliminate sugarily products: Avoid the most obvious sources of sugar such as cakes, medallions, sweets, soft drinks, and juices. Replace sugary drinks with sugar-free herbal tea, sugar-free coffee or mineral water.

Check labels: Make your purchase, check all products labels and add a quantity Add For example, 330 ml of fruit juice contains 30.1 grams of sugar (7.7 pieces) in a brick.

Take the whole products: Common sugars (white flour, white pasta, and white rice) can be quickly broken down into body sugar. Replace them with full, healthy, saturated, and high fiber versions.

Brown sugar is also not healthy: sugar is basically a mixture of sucrose, sugarcane or beets. White sugar is made up of almost complete sucrose. Brown sugar contains 85% sucrose, water, and very small amounts of minerals.

Avoid synthetic sugars: xylitol, mannitol, sorbitol, aspartame, cyclamates or saccharin are a few calorie sweet but very sweet. These are useful alternatives for people with diabetes, but they make us addicted to sweet taste.

Sugar-free: Replace sugar with herbal and sweet spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, vanilla, anise ... You can use dates, apricots, dried plums, Komet, apples, etc. to sweeten your yogurt or smoothie.

Eat more fruits: Fruits are not considered as added sugar. Besides, they are very healthy when eaten whole. This does not apply to juice. Thus, the juice is never a fruit instead.

You see that experts encourage us to follow a more natural and traditional diet based on fresh and natural foods and to limit more sweet and high-calorie processed products that can harm our health.

Surprisingly there are 6 foods rich in sugar:

Foods rich in sugar:

You may find that eating too much sugar is bad for your health. Many people try to reduce their sugar intake but do not know how much the sugar they are consuming each day.

One reason for this is that in all foods you should not suspect that added sugars actually contain hidden sugars. Even our foods that are sold as "light" often contain more sugar than regular foods.

Reducing the amount of sugar in your diet is not as difficult as you might think, but if you are addicted to sugar, you need to be disciplined to change your diet. The best way to avoid added sugars is to cook your own meals. This will let you know what's right inside.

If you still choose ready-to-eat foods, make sure the labels do not contain added sugar.

To help you get started, here are 6 foods that are high in sugar:

1: Canned soup:

Supermarket shelves serve a variety of canned soups. We often think that they are full of good things. Some vegetables, some water ... these soups are probably dietetic, aren't they? Okay, it’s just the opposite. Canned soups contain many additives, including sugar.

Can you eat canned soup? In this case, first check the list of ingredients. If you see different pseudonyms of sugar like sucrose, glucose-fructose syrup, barley malt, dextrose, maltose etc.

The ingredients present in large quantities appear at the top of the list. Also, if the label indicates the presence of sugar in a few pseudonyms, it probably contains a lot of sugar.

2: Sports drinks / practice drinks:

Vitamin Water It is often mistakenly believed that sports drinks like Vitamin Water, Gatorade or Isoster are good for health.

However, these drinks contain a lot of added sugars which are quickly absorbed by the body.

The sugars most often used in these sports drinks are:

Sucrose Glucose Maltodextrin Fructose

A standard sports drink can contain up to 32 grams of added sugar. It is equivalent to 8 teaspoons of sugar (source).

Sports drinks can be effective for trained athletes during long-term intensive efforts. If you are not a professional athlete, I strongly advise you against these calorie bombs which have no benefits for your health.

3: Chocolate:

Chocolate milk, hot chocolate is delicious! But is it good for your health? All right, not all right. Chocolate milk is made with milk, cocoa and is that foods rich in sugar. One glass of chocolate milk contains about 3 teaspoons of sugar. Would you put three teaspoons of sugar in your glass of milk? Probably may not.

Babies especially become accustomed to the sweet taste of chocolate milk. This makes it even more difficult for parents to teach their children to drink uninterrupted drinks like water.

4: Fruit juice:

In this case, do you have any idea how much orange it takes to fill your 500ml bottle?

You have to squeeze a lot of fruit to get the bottle. Apparently, fruit juice is made with fruit. So people might think that drinking it is good for health. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Fruit juice contains many vitamins and minerals, but it is also fiber-free. And it is precisely these fibers that help speed up the depletion of blood sugar and increase satiety.

When we know that fruit juices are as rich in sugar as coca, we can imagine that they are not dietary at all. So it is better to limit eating only whole fruits and fruit juices as much as possible.

5: Ketchup and sauce:

Ketchup is one of the most popular ingredients in the world. However, like BBQ sauce, it is packed with extra sugars. BBQ sauce is made with about 40% sugar.

If you want to lose weight, make it easy with ketchup and sauce. Always check the label in the supermarket and choose the least sugary sauce.

6: Yogurt:

Like other low-fat products, low-fat yogurt contains a lot of sugar. The goal is often to improve taste. Unfortunately, our health is being harmed. Honestly, yogurt and whole milk cottage cheese seem healthier than their lighter version.

Studies show that whole milk yogurt is better than fat yogurt when you want to lose weight. Whole milk yogurt contains linoleic acid, which can help fight weight gain.

So it is better to opt for yogurt or Greek yogurt with whole milk. Avoid low-fat yogurt sweetened with sugar and fruit. Lose your extra pounds and belly fat with easy-to-make slimming recipes,

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Why we need sugar?

Why people need sugar:

The body needs a sugar called glucose to meet its energy needs. This is not a question of "classic" white sugar that loses vitamins and minerals needed for health after being refined and that’s why we need sugar.

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